Development stages of cervical osteochondrosis

- The first stage. The disc is initially damaged and loses its elasticity. Neck soreness may be present, but is sometimes just temporary discomfort that is rarely noticed.
- second stage. The intervertebral space is reduced and the annulus fibrosus is destroyed. Severe pain becomes constant due to nerve root compression. Manifestations of the disease become apparent and treatment of symptoms of cervical osteochondrosis usually begins at this stage. It is necessary to start exercising for cervical osteochondrosis.
- The third phase. Complete destruction of the annulus fibrosus was observed. Intervertebral hernia and significant deformation of the spine occur. Migraines, nausea, dizziness, and numbness of the limbs often occur.
- Stage 4. Symptoms of cervical osteochondrosis can become severe and manifest as severe pain with any movement. Bone growth forms, limiting movement.
Main symptoms of cervical osteochondrosis
- Severe headache in the back of the head, temples, and top of the head;
- Dizziness, fainting;
- Severe pain radiating to arms and shoulders;
- Impaired coordination and vision;
- throbbing pain in brow ridges and temples;
- Change in voice timbre, hoarseness, snoring;
- attacks of pain that radiate to the chest;
- Heart pain similar to angina;
- toothache;
- Numbness of face and fingers;
- breathing problems, nausea, eye and heart pain;
- memory impairment and mental decline;
- Neck, forearm, arm pain;
- noise in ears;
- Tingling, weakness, and chills in the limbs.
Main symptoms of cervical spondylosis
cardiac syndrome
irritant reflex syndrome
radiculopathy syndrome
vertebral artery syndrome
Cervicothoracic spondylosis
Symptoms of cervical and thoracic osteochondrosis
- frailty syndrome;
- Migraine attacks;
- jumps in blood pressure;
- lack of coordination;
- Double vision or stars in your eyes;
- Dizziness;
- Neck, chest, heart pain;
- numbness and coldness of fingers;
- Arm, shoulder, rib pain;
- There is constant noise in my ears.